Ryebridge is awarded star rated contractor status

Ryebridge has been named outstanding in the coveted Considerate Constructors Scheme.

 The scheme, which grades how considerate a construction site is being towards the local community, environment and workforce, follows an on-site audit at Harwich International Port, where the Ryebridge team have been working since October 2019.

 Ryebridge, Principal Contractors at the port, are working on a four-month contract to construct a new damage control facility, which will incorporate anti-collision measures.

 Daniel Coyle, Managing Director of Ryebridge, said: “The ethics behind the Considerate Constructors Scheme mirror our own, so we are delighted to be a Partner and to be awarded the very top grade possible – called ‘Performance Beyond Compliance’.

 “It has always been our priority to support the local communities in which we work, to recruit locally where possible, to engage with local schools, colleges and job centres and to work with the local supply chain and maximise local spend.”

 Harwich International marks the start of Ryebridge’s expansion into the port sector.

 Daniel added: “This project is part of our growth strategy. We have the skills and experience to continue to grow in the Port Construction space and are actively looking at other schemes. Because this is a short term project we will use our own team, but Ryebridge has a community focused approach to construction and should we win longer term projects in this area we will seek to recruit apprentices and work with the community, schools and job centres to provide employment to local people.”

 The Considerate Constructors Scheme is a not-for-profit, independent organisation founded in 1997 by the construction industry to improve its image.

 Construction sites, companies and suppliers voluntarily register with the Scheme and agree to abide by the Code of Considerate Practice, designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirements.