Ryebridge completes Tottenham Hotspur Stadium Fan Zone

Ryebridge has completed full groundworks on the Tottenham Hotspur Football Club Fan Zone. All complete, on-time despite a challenging programme with under two months to deliver the full works ahead of the new season.

Full works included: Site clearance, formation level dig, sub-base and compaction, kerbs, surfacing and drainage.

Ryebridge Managing Director Daniel Coyle said: “ Being Principal Contractor for the World Leading Tottenham Hotspur new Stadium was a landmark project for Ryebridge. Coming back to do these works shows how highly regarded we are and congratulations to the team for a job well done.”

Ryebridge confirms status as FORS accredited company

Following a detailed and extensive audit managed by FORS, Ryebridge has received confirmation of Bronze Status for another year.

FORS Accreditations are recognised nationwide and monitors standards within any accredited company. By successfully achieving FORS Bronze, it ensures our company and transport policies are all in place, helping us monitor and where possible improve operations.

It gives our clients complete assurance that we have the highest standards of managing and monitoring our fleet operation. We can demonstrate that we are are achieving exemplary levels of best practice in safety, efficiency, and environmental protection.

The fleet operation is managed by Junior Charles the Ryebridge Transport Manager who said:

“Maintaining our FORS accreditation is really important to us, not just the assurance for our customers but the acknowledgment that the systems and processes we have are in place are continuing to be best practice.”

Ryebridge Managing Director Daniel Coyle added:

“congratulations to Junior and the team. It has been a challenging 12 months for everyone. It is reassuring to see that throughout everything standards are continuing to be maintained.”

Bristol International Airport Runway Duct and Bay Replacements

Bristol logo.JPG

Ryebridge Construction was awarded the contract to deliver the essential works at Bristol International Airport. This was to install a new duct under the main runway and repair failing bays.

Works were secured by competitive tender and Ryebridge remains on the shortlist to being appointed the Framework Maintenance Contractor for Bristol International Airport.

During a 5-hour runway closure works included:

•       Runway patching

•       Duct across the runway

•       PQ bay replacements

•       Taxiway edge tie ins

Using experience gained in other airports Ryebridge planned the works effectively, ensuring that subcontractors were able to work without delay or hold up. All facets of the works were expertly planned so subcontractors could undertake their specialism while having no negative impact on the project timings. All works were completed on time and within budget with no accidents or incidents.

Ryebridge confirms place as a selected contractor for Hertfordshire Highways

Following a robust selection process, Ryebridge has recently been confirmed as a contractor listed on the Hertfordshire County Council Select List for HIghways working.

The approval is valid for 2 years and is another example of Ryebridge expanding into new areas.

This award means that Ryebridge will be available to carry out Section 278/38 works across the County.

Donated blocks find a new home at Weatherfield Academy Special School

The Allhallows redevelopment is well underway and following on from the donation of the blocks, Ryebridge is delighted to announce that they have been laid and are available for use by the students.

The upside from the project did not stop with the redevelopment as blocks from the site were delivered to a special needs school, the Weatherfield Academy. These blocks have been used to create a valuable paved area enhancing opportunities for students at the School.

Head Teacher Joe Selmes said: “I would like to thank everyone associated with the donation of block paving to Weatherfield Academy Special School. We have planned a project, for a number of years, to pave areas of high use around our school farm. These areas get very muddy during the winter months and at times children have carried the mud into the school building.

“This generous donation will help us to make the farm area more accessible, especially for those pupils with walking difficulties or those in wheelchairs.”

Daniel Coyle Managing Director of Ryebridge said “We were approached by the Chamber of Commerce and got in touch with the School. Ordinarily these blocks would be recycled but getting a new use out of them is great.

“We will remove the blocks, clean them off and deliver them on pallets to the School. We also plan to help the school with the task of laying the blocks. If any other school or charity would benefit from any other left over blocks there will be some more spare.”

Ryebridge begins delivery of major town centre redevelopment in Allhallows Bedford


Works are underway on big improvements to Allhallows and Church Square.

Allhallows is a key part of Bedford town centre, and is a busy link between the town, the bus station and the train station. The whole stretch of Allhallows from St Loyes Street down to Midland Road, and Church Square is set to be improved in a major project.

Ryebridge has been appointed Principal Contractor for the fullworks. These works will transform this busy area of Bedford town centre, with the existing pavements and roadway being rebuilt and re-laid with a high quality granite surface.

Alongside enhancements to the street scene including new seating and cycle stands, and new lighting, this will create a new public space for people to enjoy and help to attract new businesses.

Throughout the work, people will be able to access this area and the shops and cafes, and business deliveries will be facilitated to minimise the impact on people working, travelling, and living in the area and nearby. 

Mayor Dave Hodgson said “With the building of the new bus station, the surrounding area had begun to look tired and I am very pleased that we can bring forward this major improvement project.

“Council officers and the contractors will be going door-to-door with local businesses in the coming days to speak to them about the works, and answer any questions they may have. We have tried to keep these works as low impact as possible, with a phased approach to ensure pedestrians can still come through and a suspension of works in the run-up to Christmas.

“With upcoming works to the High Street to create more space for pedestrians and reduce traffic, and the exciting possibilities represented by the Town Centre Plan, the Town Deal and the High Street Heritage Action Zone we are looking to the future to ensure our town centre continues to thrive in these difficult times.”

Daniel Coyle Managing Director of Ryebridge said “We are really excited to be Principal Contractor and delivering these improvements. We have vast experience working in public areas and we will ensure that these improvements are delivered with minimal impact to retailers and members of the public. Our team will shortly start meeting with retailers to build positive relationships and we will make regular progress updates as the project progresses.

“To make it easier for the public and retailers to communicate with us we have secured a retail unit on Allhallows where our team will be based and happy to take any comments or queries. There will be social distancing measures in place but we will use the shop front to display relevant information such as plans, maps and updates.”



Ryebridge receives RoSPA Gold Award for Health and Safety achievements on Foxtrot Taxiway

Ryebridge Constrction is celebrating after landing an internationally-recognised award for demonstrating high health and safety standards.

Ryebridge has received a RoSPA Gold Health and Safety Award for working hard to ensure its staff, subcontractors and all associated with the project get home safely to their families at the end of every working day.

Foxtrot Taxiway and de-icing facility was completed in September 2019 with just under 100,000 man hours. No accidents, incidents and cable strikes throughout the duration of the works.

Organisations receiving a RoSPA Award are recognised as being world-leaders in health and safety practice. Every year, nearly 2,000 entrants vie to achieve the highest possible accolade in what is the UK’s longest-running H&S industry awards.

Daniel Coyle Managing Director said: “this is now our ninth successive RoSPA Gold Award and I am very proud of everyone involved. It is great to have recognition of our safety culture and performance but this is not about one single project. We have a shared organisational belief in contributing positively to the Health and Safety of everyone.”

Julia Small, RoSPA’s head of qualifications, awards and events, said: “The RoSPA Awards scheme is the longest-running of its kind in the UK, but it receives entries from organisations around the world, making it one of the most sought-after global accolades in health and safety.

“RoSPA wants every employee, wherever they are, to work safe in the knowledge that they will be going home unharmed and healthy at the end of every day. The RoSPA Award winners are vital to help achieve this goal, as by entering they are driving up standards and setting new benchmarks for organisations everywhere. Currently, around 7 million people are directly impacted by the RoSPA Awards, but the scheme’s influence is even wider.”


Ryebridge announced as National Building and Construction Awards Finalists for Foxtrot Taxiway - Project of the year


Ryebridge Construction and London Luton Airport have been confirmed as the first aviation project finalist for project of the year up to £10m.

While the awards ceremony in June is unlikely to go ahead the achievement is significant. Foxtrot Taxiway is an exceptional example of value engineering and environmental management. The project contained key challenges that needed to be overcome to ensure that the project was completed on time and within budget. Primarily the site is located above an historic landfill site. Significant ground remediation and dynamic compaction reduced soil export while lime stabilisation and compaction of the ground ensured necessary CBR rating enabling the Taxiway construction.

The new taxiway is 520m long, and required 6,000m3 of concrete and 110,000 hours to complete. 9km of electric cables connect the 150 LED lights on the new taxiway.

Taxiway Foxtrot also includes one of the largest remote de-icing facilities in Europe.  The facility can de-ice up to seven planes at once and incorporates 600m of drainage to ensure that all de-icing liquid is captured and disposed of safely. This will help the airport to maintain on-time departures during exceptionally cold weather. 

Neil Thompson, Operations Director at LLA said: “This new taxiway will enable us to efficiently manage the ever-increasing number of aircraft that use the airport. The de-icing facility will also help us to and our airline partners to deliver punctual departures year round, whatever the weather.” 

Daniel Coyle, Managing Director at Ryebridge Construction said: “This project was extremely challenging and presented new problems that we were able to overcome with innovative and solution focused thinking. Collaboration and a client centric approach meant we achieved the best possible outcome which is on-time and within budget delivery. Over 100,000 hours worked with no accidents is a testament to our working practices.”

Ryebridge announces significant investment in new eco friendly plant machinery

Ryebridge Construction has taken ownership of 4 x 220 JCB X Series, 3 x 140 X Series, a 540 Telehandler and last but not least, a new JCB 3CX Eco.

All our new machines are AdBlue which reduces the emissions of mono-nitrogen oxide from the machines. This investment in new machines reinforces our commitment to reducing emissions and ensures our clients will benefit from new top of the range machines.

These machines will increase reliability and performance and add further value for Ryebridge Client’s.

Ryebridge completes freight entrance works at Harwich International Port

Ryebridge Construction was awarded the contract to deliver the Port of Harwich Entrance works, secured by competitive tender in the middle of 2019. Works were completed ahead of target and to budget in early 2020.

The works included reprofiling and alterations to the entrance and roundabout, realignment of fence line, demolition of existing damage control unit, installing anti-collision measures around new building including bollards, trief kerbing, CCTV mast foundations.

The fundamental objective was to ensure that the works were successfully completed with no ongoing operational impact for the client. The existing freight entrance was adjacent to the new entrance and it was business critical that the main entrance and surrounding areas were kept operational.

Managing Director Daniel Coyle said, “it was an exciting first venture into Port projects with a great client. Clearly it is something that fits our skills and experience. This is an area we are keen to expand into and for the Port sector we can clearly give a level of capability and assurance which guarantees successful delivery.”

Looking back at a successful 2019

Ryebridge, a successful construction company with its headquarters in Luton, celebrated its tenth birthday in 2019.

Managing Director, Daniel Coyle, said: “When we set out on this journey ten years ago it began like most businesses. We had the vision and desire, but we also needed to build our reputation and it isn’t achieved overnight. I am proud of what we have achieved but as important to us is the role we play within our community.

“We have aspirations to keep growing and we continue to take huge pride in our local area and accept that we have a responsibility to support the local communities in which we work.”

Here are just a few highlights from 2019:

Birthday celebrations: Ryebridge celebrated its 10th birthday in style in September – holding a fundraising golf day and black tie dinner to raise funds for Age Concern Luton. With support from former Olympian Greg Whyte OBE, a host of sporting stars and Spice Girl Mel C joined the event, helping Ryebridge MD Daniel Coyle and his team raise more than £30,000 for the local charity. Read more HERE.

Kicking off the championship: Ryebridge is proud to sponsor Luton Town Football Club’s 135-year commemorative block shirt which uses the colours from the club’s first ever home kit dating 1885.

The club sits at the heart of the community and with grand plans for the future Ryebridge is proud to have provided valuable support. Read more HERE.

Giving back: Keech Hospice, Level Trust, Luton Food Bank and Age Concern Luton are among the local charities that have benefitted from the Ryebridge charitable values. Thousands of miles have been cycled across the UK and Europe raising large sums of money for these invaluable charities.

“Over the last few years our various cycle expeditions have raised close to £300,000 for good causes,” said Daniel. “I found this physically demanding but it’s all for a good cause.” Read more HERE.

Ryebridge has also invested in grassroots football by supporting Oaklands Wolves, an amazing initiative allowing young children to access structured football with excellent coaching.

Nurturing talent: Over the past ten years Ryebridge has built a reputation for attracting and nurturing talent from local and surrounding areas. Ryebridge has supported apprentices through their qualification and into full time employment.

Currently employed engineers include local people Ryebridge has supported through University.

Basic fairness: Ryebridge was officially recognised as a living wage employer in 2019. Basic fairness is at the heart of what the Living Wage campaign is trying to achieve and this is why Ryebridge chooses to go further than the government minimum.

As well as it being the right thing to do, we believe in being part of the campaign towards all organisations achieving living wage accreditation.

A considerate constructor: Ryebridge celebrated being named outstanding by Considerate Constructors Scheme assessors, who conducted an on-site audit at Harwich International Port, where we are constructing a new damage control facility, which will incorporate anti-collision measures. Read more HERE.

Airside: It has been a busy time for Ryebridge at London Luton airport, with the company constructing a new goods in waste away facility, resurfacing the long term car park and repairing the runway during November’s night works.

The Ryebridge approach is solution focused and understanding that helps explain the growing ten-year relationship with London Luton Airport. Since Ryebridge started working with London Luton Airport the Airport has doubled in flight capacity, from 9 million to 18 million passengers a year. Not only does this increase the economic activity within one of the area’s biggest employers but it creates jobs and interest in the local area.

Framework win: Another highlight has been securing a place on the UK's new £30bn framework for public sector Crown Commercial Service's (CCS). We one of 128 firms to secure a place on this framework and one of just 57 SMEs. Read more HERE.

Award winning: In 2019 we scooped a top award, winning Business of the Year (less than 50 employees) in the SME Luton and Bedfordshire Business Awards and praised by judges for ‘outstanding initiative, boldness and imagination’. Read more HERE.

Happy customers: We are proud of our growing list of customers and case studies. Ryebridge can list a significant number of high-profile clients over the past ten years. These clients have contributed to growing the organisation and include London Luton Airport, Signature Airlines, Tottenham Hotspur and Luton Borough Council to name a few.

Linking it back to the local area Daniel explained: “With all these projects we have employed locally. As a business the supply chain we use is local, this is from our design agency through to our building and plant suppliers. Read more HERE.

Loving Luton: We look back with pride, having agains supported the Love Luton Awards and in 2019 sponsoring the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’, presented by our MD Daniel to John Maddox, of Luton Rotary Cub. Read more HERE.

On behalf of the whole Ryebridge team we wish you all a happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Ryebridge is awarded star rated contractor status

Ryebridge has been named outstanding in the coveted Considerate Constructors Scheme.

 The scheme, which grades how considerate a construction site is being towards the local community, environment and workforce, follows an on-site audit at Harwich International Port, where the Ryebridge team have been working since October 2019.

 Ryebridge, Principal Contractors at the port, are working on a four-month contract to construct a new damage control facility, which will incorporate anti-collision measures.

 Daniel Coyle, Managing Director of Ryebridge, said: “The ethics behind the Considerate Constructors Scheme mirror our own, so we are delighted to be a Partner and to be awarded the very top grade possible – called ‘Performance Beyond Compliance’.

 “It has always been our priority to support the local communities in which we work, to recruit locally where possible, to engage with local schools, colleges and job centres and to work with the local supply chain and maximise local spend.”

 Harwich International marks the start of Ryebridge’s expansion into the port sector.

 Daniel added: “This project is part of our growth strategy. We have the skills and experience to continue to grow in the Port Construction space and are actively looking at other schemes. Because this is a short term project we will use our own team, but Ryebridge has a community focused approach to construction and should we win longer term projects in this area we will seek to recruit apprentices and work with the community, schools and job centres to provide employment to local people.”

 The Considerate Constructors Scheme is a not-for-profit, independent organisation founded in 1997 by the construction industry to improve its image.

 Construction sites, companies and suppliers voluntarily register with the Scheme and agree to abide by the Code of Considerate Practice, designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirements.

Ryebridge is awarded cyber security certification  

Ryebridge has been awarded top cyber certification, part of a government-backed scheme to help organisations protect themselves against common cyber-attacks.

Our company, this month confirmed as a Cyber Essentials Certificated Company, is a Luton-based specialist civil engineering company with expertise in airports, ports, sports stadiums and general maintenance works.

 Daniel Coyle, MD of Ryebridge, said: “It is essential for us that we can confidently prove to our customer base that we have strong cyber security. This certification does just that. It will help protect our business as we continue our strategy of growth and will be a great help when we bid for public sector opportunities, where this type of certification is virtually mandatory.”

 The Cyber Essentials scheme provides businesses with five security controls that can prevent around 80% of cyber-attacks, according to the UK government.

 With the number of recent scares involving personal data, customers are looking for cyber aware providers now more than ever.

 Daniel added: “By proving we have the necessary controls in place Ryebridge is gaining an edge over competitors and putting our customers at ease.”

 Did you know? The government's Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2018 found that more than two fifths (43%) of businesses and almost one fifth (19%) of charities experienced a cyber security breach or attack in the previous year. The financial effects of these breaches can be considerable. For medium-sized businesses, the average (mean) cost of a data breach is £16,100. For large businesses it is £22,300.

What a party! Thousands raised for charity


Spice Girl Mel C and a host of sporting celebrities have this month helped Luton based Ryebridge Construction raise more than £31,000 for charity.

The company, which celebrated its 10th birthday in September, joined forces with swimmer and former Olympian Greg Whyte OBE to organise a golf day and black-tie dinner to raise funds for local charity Age Concern Luton.

Ryebridge Managing Director Daniel Coyle said: “I wanted the whole team to celebrate but also wanted to make sure anything we did had a positive impact on the wider community. We did it in style and are so grateful to Greg and his friends for helping us make this happen.”

Greg Whyte, OBE, is a former Olympian and a Sports Scientist. He won European bronze and World Championship silver medals, also competing in two Olympic Games, representing Great Britain in the Modern Pentathlon. Greg has been involved in Comic Relief., training and coaching celebrities who do challenges for charity, such as comedian David Walliams, John Bishop, James Cracknell, Cheryl Cole, Gary Barlow, and Eddie Izzard.

Greg, patron of Age Concern Luton, said: “What an amazing amount has been raised, every penny of which will make a real difference to elderly people in and around Luton.

“The charity’s strapline is #LonelinessIsCurable. Quite simply, getting older should not mean isolation or loneliness. These funds raised by Ryebridge will directly help the older members of our community and help us tackle and alleviate loneliness.”

As well as a performance from Mel C, sporting celebrities including Olympic silver medallist/ swimmer Jazz Carlin, BBC Breakfast’s Dan Walker, the UK Invictus Games Team Captain Mark ‘Dot’ Perkins and Luton’s former professional boxer Billy Schwer all joined in the celebrations, all waiving their usual appearance fees to ensure as much money as possible was raised by Age Concern Luton.

An auction, which included a host of Strictly Come Dancing prizes and the chance to sing with Mel C, raised several thousand pounds – and Ryebridge is now pledging to raise yet more funds.

Daniel added: “We aim to hit the £40,000 mark so a charity cycle ride will be our next challenge.”


Pop star Mel C set to bring some musical spice to Luton

Singer songwriter Mel C is on her way to Luton – set to help Ryebridge Construction raise much needed funds for local charity Age Concern Luton.

Former Olympian and Sports Scientist Greg Whyte, OBE, is the charity’s patron and is helping Ryebridge Director Daniel Coyle organise a sports-themed black-tie birthday party this September.

As well as confirming a performance from Spice Girl Mel C (dubbed Sporty Spice during her years with the girl band), there will be a host of well-known sports names attending.

These include rowing champion and double Olympic gold winner James Cracknell, double Olympic silver medallist/ swimmer Jazz Carlin, BBC Breakfast’s Dan Walker and the UK Invictus Games Team Captain Mark “Dot” Perkins.

Daniel said: “To mark our birthday we wanted to have a party so what better way to do this than to support this incredible charity. We are pledging to raise at least £40,000 for Age Concern Luton and our golf day and sports themed dinner will be key to this.

“This will be an evening with a difference – with a sports star on every table, the brilliant ‘3 Minute Rockstar’ band and an auction that will include the chance to sing then and there on stage with Mel C.”

Greg Whyte, who has helped raise over £30million for Comic Relief and famously trained celebrities including David Walliams for his Channel and Thames swims and Eddie Izzard who ran a remarkable 43 marathons in 50 days, said:  “Age Concern Luton is an exceptional charity and we are delighted that Ryebridge is so keen to raise funds, which will make a real difference to the lives of older people. Lots of famous sporting faces will be there to join us at every step of the way.”

There will be two events on Friday, September 13th, 2019: a daytime Charity Golf Day at Luton Hoo and the evening black tie sporting celebrity dinner in the Walled Garden of the Luton Hoo Estate - all in aid of Age Concern Luton.

To take a table at the evening event (one sports star will sit with you) the cost is £1,000 (+VAT).

To find out more about the golf day or to book a table for the evening event (seating is limited so we would advise booking early) please contact Daniel Coyle by emailing ageconcernluton@ryebridgeconstruction.com or call the office on 01582 451525.

We will continue to update this page as celebrities and sports stars as added to the guest list.

To find out more please visit www.ryebridgeconstruction.com/ryebridge-is-10



Ryebridge scoops top award

Ryebridge Construction has been crowned Business of the Year (less than 50 employees) and praised by judges for its ‘outstanding initiative, boldness and imagination’ as well as its ‘exceptional commercial success’.

The Luton based construction company, which celebrates its 10th birthday this year, was one of eight companies shortlisted for this top award - with the SME Luton and Bedfordshire Business Awards celebration taking place at the Bedford Corn Exchange in May 2019.

Director Daniel Coyle collected the award on behalf of his team: “What an incredible achievement, made even more special by the fact that this year marks our 10th anniversary.

“Many of our staff have been with us since the beginning and promoted within. We are committed to the local community, we recruit locally, give back to charities and community groups and we work hard to reduce any environmental impact.”

Most recently Ryebridge joined forces with Luton Town FC to sponsor the Hatters new navy kit and in September the company will be celebrating its birthday with two events: a day time Charity Golf Day at Luton Hoo and an evening black tie sporting celebrity dinner.The company aims to raise more than £40,000 for Age Concern Luton

Here are just a few more highlights from the last year that helped Ryebridge win this top business award:

London Luton Airport: A £3.2million project and 14,000 man hours worked – our London Luton Airport project saw us design and build a new temporary drop off zone. The works were delivered in a fully operation environment - to enable the drop off, deliveries, multi storey car park and bus providers to continue working as usual.

Safe and secure: We launched a new safety app for mobiles, which enables staff to easily report everything from health and safety hazards, incidents and near misses, along with environmental issues such as fuel spillages at the click of a button. Ryebridge is one of only a few companies to do this in the UK.

Punching his way to success: We have loved helping local boxing legend Jordan Reynolds punch and spar his way to the top – providing sponsorship to help the 22-year-old achieve his dream of reaching the Olympics. We are now supporting Jordan with his new venture, a boxing academy to keep Luton youngsters safe and off the streets.

Oaklands College: The multi-million-pound redevelopment of Oaklands College in St Albans is underway – with Ryebridge preparing the groundworks. Our director Daniel Coyle is a former student at the college, having studied construction management.

Inspiring students: Our staff have been visiting secondary schools in Luton, teaching year 9 and 10 pupils all about the construction industry. This is part of Luton Borough Council’s commitment to promoting construction as a career choice.

Apprenticeships: We have continued to invest in apprenticeships and now have a talented trio on board – gaining valuable experience at London Luton Airport (LLA). Meet Taylor, Joe and Mark.

On film:  Our new YouTube channel is now live. Please check out our talented team and see us in action and on film.

Giving back: We continued to support local charities and good causes, including Love Luton and its inspirational #lutonsbestawards, Keech Hospice and Level Trust. At Christmas we donated to the Luton Food Bank

Flying high: Our new Airports brochure was designed and distributed. Working within a ‘live’ airport environment requires very specific skills and a demanding level of performance driven by stringent timing and safety standards.

Awards: In November we scooped our sixth GOLD Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) award – in recognition for our outstanding work at London Luton Airport (LLA).

Looking forwards: In 2018 we joined forces with a local garage and in 2019 will officially launch Ryebridge Autos – to service Ryebridge’s fleet of vehicles but also open to the public. An MOT service will be launched later this year.

We have new projects underway at LLA and Oaklands College and are now meeting with airports across the UK to extend our ‘reach’.

Ryebridge announced as Luton Town navy shirt sponsor

Exciting news - we have joined forces with Luton Town FC as the Hatters head for the Championship.

With the new kits for the 2019-20 season now revealed to the public, we are delighted to announce that Ryebridge is the navy shirt sponsor for 2019-20.

Ryebridge Director Daniel Coyle said: “We’re absolutely thrilled to be able to support Luton Town as sponsors of their navy kit for next season. As a Hatters fan myself, it’s been amazing watching the Club progress in so many ways on and off the pitch, and it’s an honour to be able to sponsor them as they push on into the Championship next season.

“Most of our workforce is drawn from the Luton community, many of whom are Luton Town supporters themselves, so it makes perfect sense to be able to get behind the Club at this exciting time in their long and distinguished history.

“This year, we’re celebrating out tenth year – so this seemed like the perfect opportunity to mark the occasion – especially with the Town also moving into their 135th anniversary.”

Luton Town Chief Executive Gary Sweet said: “We’re delighted to have Ryebridge on board as sponsors of our navy shirt for next season. The synergy between Ryebridge’s ethos, and our own culture is plain to see, and we are excited to have them as a sponsor as we return to the Championship.

“Ryebridge have a fantastic reputation as a community focused company who do what they can to provide opportunities for local people, and we’re sure this will resonate with our supporters. We’ve already been working alongside Ryebridge for some time as part of Love Luton, helping to reflect the many positive aspects of our Town, so we know exactly what Daniel and his team are all about.

“We’d like to welcome Ryebridge to the Luton Town shirt sponsorship family, and hope to establish a successful partnership moving forwards” he said.

You can see the 2019-20 kit launch video and gallery here including a first glimpse of the Hatters star striker James Collins wearing the new navy shirt sponsored by Ryebridge.



Ryebridge’s pedal power raises funds for charity

Ryebridge Director Daniel Coyle is taking to his bike this summer to join and sponsor the London Luton Airport (LLA) cycle ride from Paris to Amsterdam.

Funds raised will go to LLA’s charity of the year Macmillan Cancer Support, so Daniel is now in training.

Daniel said: “It’s five years since I did the airport’s Luton to Paris charity ride and much of the same team will be taking part which is exciting. In truth though I am not quite sure what I have let myself in for. This is far more miles than I have ever cycled before, so bring on the challenge.”

The charity ride, of which Ryebridge is the lead sponsor, will take riders through three cities and three countries in four days. It is more than 383 miles and will take riders from Paris to Brussels and to Amsterdam – and then a flight back to London Luton Airport.

This will prove ideal training for Daniel’s next cycle ride later this year – which will take take riders from Inverness to Glasgow, this time raising money for Ryebridge’s charity of the year Age Concern Luton.

Ryebridge is organising the cycle ride as part of its 10 year celebrations, which sees the company joining forces with Age Concern Luton and pledging to raise at least £40,000 over the coming year - with the company’s fundraising set to culminate with a black tie, sports themed dinner and a golf day in September.

Daniel said: “We have established our roots in Luton and recognise the proud history, cultural diversity and the huge potential that exists within this town. Where possible we tap into this via local recruitment and by using local resources. We are always looking for ways to reinvest in the town, by forming associations with local charities, businesses and educational establishments along with developing and training our local employees in order to fulfil their career potential.

“The team will come together for a range of fundraising events over the next 12 months, with every penny set to go to Age Concern Luton to benefit some of the most vulnerable members of our community.”