Salt barn success could inspire other councils to follow suit

An innovative approach to design and planning ensured the construction of a new salt barn hit budget and met all necessary specifications.

Ryebridge Construction was tasked by Oxfordshire County Council to achieve a long-held vision for a new storage facility for winter grit to be used on local roads during icy weather.

Between five and 20 per cent of salt stored externally is lost each year as the changing weather causes it to congeal. Rainwater can also turn it into a contaminate with the potential for causing corrosion.

The council was keen to erect somewhere large enough to store the thousands of tonnes of grit it uses annually, which would prevent moisture clumping and spoilage.

The project, at Deddington Highways Depot near Banbury, has been in the pipeline since 2017, but OCC like most local authorities have budget constraints. Their approach was to split the task into a two-stage project to ascertain feasibility, cost, design and planning.

Ryebridge was awarded a pre-construction services agreement which meant the company would oversee design, planning and pricing for the scheme.

But rather than presenting a design which would also cost too much money, Ryebridge entered into a dialogue with the council to determine what its minimal requirements would be.

Managing director Sean Scully lead on the project and researched into the original barn scheme which was never constructed.

He found that the original barn was bigger than the current one and on a different area of the site. The area was undeveloped and due to the location had extensive groundworks.

The Ryebridge proposal was to build a barn in the already developed land which although smaller would comfortably account for the level of salt required to support the winter gritting season. The proposal also included solar panels which would not only provide enough power for the lighting in the barn but contribute efficiency to the remainder of the depot.

Sean said: “The original plan was for a bigger barn in a different area of the site, but we knew that a smaller design would still cope with the council’s winter demands.”

The final design was built on the site of the council’s salt stockpile using traditional construction methods. It had to be completed during the spring-summer period because there was no requirement for using salt during that period, and OCC had held off importing the winter’s grit until it was finished.

Sean added: “A lot of councils can’t consider storing salt indoors because of the cost of building a barn, but I think there is a real opportunity in using Deddington as a case study for what can be achieved with a reasonable and measured investment. They will recover the cost of the barn relatively quickly in terms of the wasted and unusable salt.”

Deddington salt barn

Ryebridge backs 15th Luton's Best Awards

Ryebridge Construction is proud to sponsor the Child of Courage category in this year’s Luton’s Best Awards.

The awards, which are run by Love Luton, have been recognising community achievement for 15 year, celebrating those truly remarkable individuals and organisations who make the town a better place to live and work.

Winners come from hundreds of public nominations, whittled down to a shortlist by the judging panel, which includes sponsors who all have a stake in Luton’s future and success.

The Child of Courage Award recognises any young person up to the age of 18 who has put themselves in danger to help or save the life of another, has battled against the odds to overcome adversity in their personal life, or has made a stand to improve the lot of themselves or others.

Last year’s winner was Inayah Nawaz, who was diagnosed with leukaemia in 2022, and subsequently spent months in Addenbrooke’s Hospital. While there she persuaded her mother to start fundraising so other children could have the comfort of a specially designed teddy bear to help them through their treatment.

When she was finally able to return to normal life, Inayah continued to fundraise for children with cancer by taking part in sponsored public readings at events at Chaul End Nursery and at cancer charity events in London. So far she has raised in excess of £1,500.

Ryebridge managing director Sean Scully said: “These awards celebrate the truly extraordinary people and organisations who make up our fantastic community.

“Ryebridge has always championed the achievements of youngsters living in the Luton area, so to be sponsoring the Child of Courage Award this year is the perfect fit for us.

“We would encourage everyone to show how much they Love Luton by nominating your unsung heroes for any of this year’s categories, and we look forward to celebrating their stories early next year.”

The nominees will be honoured at a gala ceremony taking place at Luton Hoo Hotel, Golf and Spa on Friday January 17.

To nominate for the Child of Courage Award or any other category, visit before December 1.

The launch of the 15th Luton’s Best Awards.

Ryebridge duo smash epic cycle ride across Ireland

A team from Ryebridge Construction joined a gruelling 220-mile charity bike ride across the Republic of Ireland in aid of Luton good causes.

The epic cycle was organised by London Luton Airport, and saw 29 participants pedal from Dublin to Dingle Bay over three and a half days in aid of charity partners the Luton Foodbank and the East Anglian Air Ambulance.

Ryebridge was one of the event’s platinum sponsors, and CEO Daniel Coyle and managing director Sean Scully took part in the ride, which saw them spend a staggering 21 hours in the saddle for the duration of the challenge.

After flying into Dublin from LLA on the Tuesday, they picked up their bikes after lunch and embarked on the first 36-mile stretch to Naas, split into smaller groups based on their speed and ability.

“It was wet and slow,” said Sean. “The rest of the team were all experienced cyclists, but I was the only one doing it for the first time, and it was really tough going.”

The next day saw them complete a 55-mile ride to Kilkenny in rain and wind on hilly terrain, but the biggest test of their endurance came on the Thursday, which saw the team cycle a phenomenal 80 miles to Charleville in Cork.

Sean said: “Each day was the most I’ve ever cycled, but that day was the most challenging thing I’ve ever done. One road was 13 miles long, uphill in the wind. It was the worst sporting experience I’ve ever had, it just seemed to go on forever.

“There was a lot of chatting before then, but nobody spoke on that road.”

The big finish was a further 51 miles to Killarney the next day, bringing an end to what had been a remarkable test of endurance.

“There was a huge sense of achievement and an unbelievable amount of money raised for charities which really need it,” added Sean.

“The whole experience saw some amazing camaraderie and really good friendships built. We supported each other the whole way.

“At the moment I wouldn’t say yes to doing it again though, as my legs hurt so much, but who knows how I’ll feel in a few weeks’ time!”

Dan added: “As a proud Luton business we are passionate about enriching the lives of people living and working locally, which includes supporting vital local charities in a bid to improve wellbeing and address inequalities within Luton society.

“This was a fantastic event, and although difficult at times, our physical hardship in no way compares to the Luton people having to struggle in poverty on a daily basis.”

You can still sponsor their efforts at

The cyclists assemble!

A much-needed pit stop.

Ryebridge delighted to be recognised as 'hero stakeholder' for Luton social value

Ryebridge Construction has been recognised as a ‘hero stakeholder’ for the socio-economic value created because of its work with Luton Airport, the town and the surrounding region.
London Luton Airport’s Social Value Report 2023 was delivered by sustainability strategy consultancy Brite Green and involved 12 airport stakeholders.
Ryebridge was recognised for a good balance of impact across the four key areas of work, economy, community, planet, which included having apprentices, hiring local people, supporting local schools and colleges, and spending with local businesses.
The company also has a wellbeing programme for staff, invests in equality, diversity and inclusion training, and manages waste responsibly and supports local community projects.
The report said: “Ryebridge did more variety of activities than anyone, albeit at a smaller scale than some of the bigger companies, generating social value of £4,143,311.”
Managing director Sean Scully said: “We are delighted to be recognised for our ongoing commitment to enriching the lives of people living and working in the local area.
“What that means for us is a focus on supporting and promoting the town wherever possible, with more than 90% of our site and office staff coming from the immediate area, a local supply chain and close links with nearby colleges and schools which ensures a steady flow of apprentices and work experience students.
“This mutually-beneficial relationship also includes raising more than £400,000 for local charities in recent years - as we recognise they are the lifeblood of the local community - being an active member of Love Luton and sponsoring Luton Town FC.
“Everything we can buy locally we do, but there are just some items we can’t, which unfortunately let us down on local procurement, and although we look at this regularly when you deal with specialist items it’s always a challenge.”

Ryebridge continues seven-year sponsorship of Luton Town FC

Side-by-side for seven years, Ryebridge Construction is continuing its productive partnership with Luton Town FC.

For this season the Ryebridge logo adorns the back of the away and third shirts, keeping the company firmly linked with the club and its supporters.

Ryebridge CEO Daniel Coyle said: “This club is like no other, and is so important to our community.
“Most of our workforce is drawn from the Luton community, many of whom are Hatters fans themselves, so to support it in what will be our seventh year fills us all with a sense of immense pride. We feel incredibly fortunate to be part of this town, this club and its history. Long may it continue.”

Hatters commercial director Chris Bell said: “A long association with Ryebridge has resulted in many memorable moments.

“Ryebridge is a business with a deep connection to the local community sharing the same values as the us.

“I’m delighted that the relationship continues and will keep developing. It’s important to us to partner with businesses that have a positive impact locally, and Ryebridge certainly is a prominent local and national company.”

Ryebridge’s logo on the rear of the LTFC shirt.

Second boatload delivers the goods at Marchwood

Well it’s a wrap! Boat number two - The Pasila - came and went at Marchwood Port over the past weekend, the second of two large shipments to support the port development for Associated British Ports and SOLENT GATEWAY LIMITED.
By transporting 13,000t of material by two boatloads, Ryebridge has successfully removed 3,800 lorry movements from the roads around Marchwood and the surrounding area, completing a company first for environmental excellence.
This has not only prevented congestion in the local area but has eliminated the generation of 307 metric tonnes of CO2 emissions (based on 25 tonne vehicles travelling 10 miles each).
If you’re working at a port why not make the most of it?
We are proud of all the communities we operate in and take every opportunity to remove any impact from our essential works, either environmentally or in other ways.Huge thanks to our material suppler GRS Group who made all of this possible. Excellent service 👏 👏


All aboard for Marchwood Port boat delivery

Ryebridge took to the waves to reduce 3,800 lorry movements to just two boatloads in a company first for environmental excellence.

Early this morning the on-site team at Marchwood Port took delivery of the Tali, the first of two large shipments to support the port development.

Carrying 13,000t of material the two boats will remove the need for thousands of lorry movements around Marchwood and the surrounding areas, not only preventing congestion in the local area but eliminating the generation of 307 metric tonnes of CO2 emissions (based on 25 tonne vehicles travelling 10 miles each).

When you’re working at a port why not make the most of it?

We are proud of all the communities we operate in and take every opportunity to remove any impact from our essential works, either environmentally or in other ways.

#environmental #sustainability

The Ryebridge team working on the Tali delivery of Type 1 material.

Ryebridge attends opening of multi-million pound rail terminal at Port of Southampton

The Ryebridge Construction team at the rail terminal opening: Robbie Miller project manager, CEO Daniel Coyle, managing director Sean Scully and Kevin Wilson, construction manager

A new multi-million pound rail terminal built by Ryebridge Construction has been officially opened in Southampton.
The new Solent Rail Terminal, which strengthens Southampton’s leading position as the UK’s number one gateway for deep-sea trade, took 18 months to complete, including a full design and build, and is the first project of this type Ryebridge has worked on.
The completion of the facility was marked with a plaque unveiling at an event for rail freight and maritime leaders and customers on 20 March at the Solent Stevedores’ operated Solent Rail Terminal in the western docks.
A £17.5m investment between Associated British Ports (ABP) and Solent Stevedores, the 18-acre facility expands the intermodal rail transport site to broaden the service offer with laden and empty container handling, storage, maintenance, and repair within a single-site boundary.
Features of the new site include a newly designed track layout facilitating simultaneous train arrival and departures increasing the terminal’s efficiency and extending the rail loading pad by 130m. The larger intermodal site including container storage with full maintenance and repair facilities will be able to handle a 71% increase in daily services with a 125% increase in number of containers handled.
Ryebridge chief executive Daniel Coyle said: “The construction work undertaken by Ryebridge Construction has further strengthened the rail facilities for customers at the Port of Southampton giving them greater choice over their container placement and storage.”

Marchwood Port redevelopment contract awarded to Ryebridge

A Google Earth image of the Marchwood Port site.

Following the success of Ryebridge Construction’s work on completing the new freight terminal at Southampton Port, the company has been awarded the contract for the Marchwood Port redevelopment.

Solent Gateway Limited has tasked Ryebridge with the design and build of Phase 1A, which includes a new site entrance, security buildings and a new multi-use hard surface pavement for external automotive storage.

This will involve the demolition of existing site buildings and off-site highway upgrades to include Section 278 works, alongside the realignment of the internal highway network and upgraded railway crossing points.

Ryebridge will also install new high mast lights, site CCTV and the electrical infrastructure.

The company will be responsible for discharging planning conditions which require the close management and fulfilment of ecological, environmental and archaeological guidelines.

The redevelopment of the port will be a real boost to the economic value of Marchwood and the surrounding areas, and is aligned with local and national policies, centred around the growth of seaborne trade and the creation of jobs and opportunities.

Ryebridge managing director Daniel Coyle said: “We are really excited to be undertaking our second major project in the area for Associated British Ports (ABP) and Solent Gateway Limited.

“Since we first began work in the Southampton area we have strategically targeted the recruitment of local people and already have a full workforce staff drawn from the immediate area, so to win this opportunity to keep them in employment is excellent news and testament to their success on the E108/9 freight terminal. We are now widening our community reach by taking on local apprentices and work experience students.”

Ryebridge achieves SafeContractor status

Ryebridge Construction is delighted to announce that it has been awarded a SafeContractor certificate of verification following a robust audit procedure.

The certificate, which is issued by Alcumus, is a market-leading accreditation that helps contractors demonstrate their commitment to health and safety, sustainability and environmental, social, and corporate governance to any prospective clients.

It covers the following topics:

  • Finance

  • Environment

  • Quality

  • Management

  • Equality

  • Modern Slavery

  • Anti-bribery

  • GDPR

  • Right to Work

  • References

  • Building

  • Information

  • Modelling

SafeContractor is a SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) accreditation whereby a company’s details are verified across health, safety, financial and ethical practices – right down to specific areas such as permits to work at height, or hazardous material handling. All accredited businesses are searchable via a website portal.

Ryebridge Construction has achieved SafeContractor status.

National industry award for Ryebridge's Hat Gardens project

The Ryebridge team at the National Building and Construction Awards. Photo:

Ryebridge Construction is celebrating winning a major award in a national industry competition.
The company received the Project of the Year (under £10m) accolade in the National Building and Construction Awards.
It was in recognition of Hat Gardens, the £1.6m transformation of a derelict wasteland into an asset of genuine community value in Luton town centre.
The project was orchestrated by the borough council using designs by Pell Frischmann, and involved opening up a covered culvert used by the River Lea, building new head walls and retaining walls, and constructing new stepped seating and a planted terrace populated with carefully selected vegetation designed to boost wildlife.
The park can now be used for various community activities including as an outdoor classroom, a place for mini-concerts, or with a cinema screen on the far bank.
The award, which recognises outstanding projects from the last 12 months with a cost up to £10 million, was presented at a glittering ceremony at the Hilton Hotel in Wembley Park.
Ryebridge managing director Daniel Coyle said: “We are overwhelmed to win this award, which is testament to the vision, passion and hard work from all parties involved in this project at every stage of the process.”

The next generation of Ryebridge apprentices

Ryebridge apprentices with Managing DIrector Daniel Coyle.

Meet the class of 2023, a new cohort of Ryebridge apprentices studying for future roles within the construction industry.

They reflect the company’s commitment to investing in the next generation of employees by supporting them with education, experience and insight into how the business works.

James Arnall, 20, Max Banham, 18, and 16-year-old Ronnie Costen are on courses at local colleges to prepare them for roles within the firm.

James said he was attracted by the variety and diversity of the construction industry: “You’ll never have the same day twice. I spent a week in the offices and then was out on site working on the hydraulics and drainage of the DART transit system at Luton Airport.

“My course at Bedford College is very well-rounded, covering everything from construction management to health and safety. I’m learning a lot!”

Max joined Ryebridge following a session of work experience, and said the company has been very supportive and welcoming: “My coursework has been really interesting. We’ve been studying about foundations and how structures are built, so a lot of the theoretical side of construction. I’m looking forward to getting out on site though.”

Ronnie, who also attends Bedford, sees his apprenticeship as opening doors to working abroad: “I’d like to work in the US or Africa, experience other working practices and apply this knowledge elsewhere.

“My course has involved a lot of working on site, including the Pocket Park project in the centre of Luton, which was really different, and the multi-storey car park at Luton Airport. I’ve done a bit of everything, engineering, laying concrete, there are just multiple opportunities within Ryebridge and they’re just so supportive.”

As part of their training, the recruits will each be assigned a mentor within the firm who will have time put aside specifically for working with them, ensuring there is always someone they can talk to if they need advice or help.

Managing director Daniel Coyle welcomed them to the firm and said: “There are lots of opportunities within the construction industry and at the end of your studies the world is your oyster. Your course will not define you.

“Our apprentices end up staying with us as we can offer the support and structure they need to grow in their careers.”

One of their most successful past apprentices is Reshma Sasidharan, who came to Ryebridge to study her Masters.

She added: “I joined Ryebridge to help complete my Masters degree in 2021. I graduated with a first and have been with the company ever since. The opportunities from Ryebridge have helped me develop my career and I am now working towards becoming a quantity surveyor.”

Ryebridge successfully hands over East Apron Stands at Bristol Airport

Our journey with the East Apron Airport is nearly finished with days, nights, weekends, snow, rain and a little sunshine all part of the experience.

Landside, airside, taxiways and aprons are now at the closing-out stage after months of hard work from the team.

Stands 14-16 and 17-20 are in full flow and will undoubtedly help this excellent airport offer its passengers even more adventures worldwide.

The case study will be coming soon, but the project has been an exercise in every aviation construction element including site clearance, drainage, ducting, AGLs, sub-base, formwork, wet lean, PQ concrete, kerbs, retaining walls, planing, asphalt surfacing, lining, high mast lights, substations, safe barriers and lining to name some of the many!

Well done to everyone involved in this project and here’s to a long-term partnership between Ryebridge Construction and Bristol Airport.

Ryebridge backs vision for Luton Airport growth

Luton Rising wants to increase annual passenger numbers to 32m.

Ryebridge Construction has pledged its support for a vision for growth and redevelopment of London Luton Airport - one of its partners for over 10 years.

The company's managing director, Daniel Coyle, wanted to emphasise the strong local links between Ryebridge and the town, while also recognising the potential offered by Luton Rising's plans, which include increasing annual passenger numbers to 32m.

Ryebridge's focus is on supporting the community wherever possible, with more than 90% of its site and office staff from the immediate area, and having developed a local supply chain and close links with nearby colleges.

This ethos also includes raising more than £250,000 for local charities in recent years, recognising they are the lifeblood of the local community.

Daniel explained: "The company understands it has a social responsibility to the community in which it was founded and will continue to support it in any way we can.

"To this end any developments for growth or increasing employment opportunities within the town should be embraced.

"The proposed airport redevelopment and expansion plans - while managed under the ethos of Green Controlled Growth - are both exciting and essential for the future of Luton.

"We believe that Luton Rising's vision will facilitate economic growth and opportunities for the region.

"As a company we would continue to turn that growth into real jobs and real training while continuing to use our well-developed and local supply chain."

Ryebridge Apprentices and Graduates Meet HM King Charles III

On a cold but sunny December day in Luton, Ryebridge Construction staff were invited to an opportunity of a lifetime.

As recognition for ongoing contribution to the local economy and community Ryebridge staff were invited guests for the royal visit.

The day was a historic day for Luton and the first Royal Visit since 1984.

His Majesty the King was extremely generous with his time and spoke at length with the Ryebridge Guests. One of those invited, Graduate Project Manager Joe Hankins who has been with Ryebridge from his Apprenticeship though to his recently completed Honours Degree said; ”we were all quite nervous but His Majesty put all of us at ease. As someone who grew up in Luton it was really good to see His Majesty take the time to visit our Town. He asked me my role and plans for the future and seemed genuinely interested.

We really didn’t expect him to talk to all of us and were joking that he would just pick one but we all got to talk to him. It was a great experience.”

Ryebridge attended the DART station section of the Royal Visit, where currently Ryebridge is finishing the Civils for the station frontage and concourse. Ryebridge was also contracted for all enabling works on the DART itself.

Ryebridge Managing Director Daniel Coyle said; “ It was an honour to be present and even more so to see the experience it gave to our newer and younger members of the team. As a Managing Director often caught up in the day to day, seeing something that will inspire and be so memorable for them was amazing.

We are a very proud Luton based business and what a day for our town.”

Local dignitaries attend Ryebridge Open Lea site for groundbreaking ceremony

Works are underway at Bute Street/Silver Street as Ryebridge Construction is exposing the river and creating an exciting green space for the local community to enjoy.

On Wednesday 20th April to mark the commencement of the works, Ryebridge was delighted to welcome to site the Council Leader and Deputy Leader, both Cllr Hazel Simmons and Cllr Aslam Khan respectively. In addition to this other visitors included the Mayor Cllr Mahmood Hussain, Nicola Monk (Corporate Director, Inclusive Economy) and Cllr Sian Goding (Portfolio Holder Regeneration).

The site visits extended to Thursday the 21st, where Lady Clifford the High Sheriff of Bedfordshire came to site to meet the site team and look at the works.

The project

The proposed works will be to remove the existing lid to the river which runs east to west across the site. New head walls being built along Bute Street and Barbers Lane to support the existing roads and footpaths. On the northern side of the river new stepped terraces will be formed to create public seating. The southern bank of the river will be planted terrace.

The scheme will incorporate sustainable urban drainage systems, feature lighting and public seating areas to achieve an oasis in an urban area, providing new ecological benefits for the natural habitat of wildlife and creating spaces for users of the Town Centre to enjoy.

The Open Lea project is funded by Luton Council and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Social Value Legacy

As a well established local business Ryebridge has deep roots in the community. The company ethos is wherever possible to support and invest locally. Ryebridge aims to provide this scheme for Luton by using a minimum of 80% of local suppliers and labour.

In addition to this Ryebridge held a local supply chain even on 19th January. This involved 14 local businesses of which already five have been awarded places on the supply chain.

Barnfield students will be getting arranged work experience and two local Apprentices have already been employed.

Ryebridge Construction Managing Director Daniel Coyle said: “As a Luton based business we are so pleased to be part of this project. As I said in my presentation Luton has a real sense of community and we are proud to be part of it.

We believe that these developments will make a huge difference to the Town when completed and we will make sure that the Construction Phase also benefits the area with local jobs and investment.”

Ryebridge launches local supply chain event to support the Open Lea Project

Ryebridge Construction has recently been awarded the Principal Contractor role on the major regeneration project known as the Open Lea.

As part of Luton Council’s regeneration of the Town Centre this scheme involves de-culverting the River Lea which runs beneath Silver Street Carpark.

The event itself will be an online meet the buyer where local businesses and suppliers can talk to the project leaders from Ryebridge and find out how to bid for opportunities on the project.

The event is taking place on Wednesday 19th January at 11am, on Microsoft Teams.

Social Value

As a well established local business Ryebridge has deep roots in the community. The company ethos is wherever possible to support and invest locally. Ryebridge aims to provide this scheme for Luton by using a minimum of 80% of local suppliers and labour.

The Project

The proposed works will be to remove the existing lid to the river which runs east to west across the site. New head walls being built along Bute Street and Barbers Lane to support the existing roads and footpaths. On the northern side of the river new stepped terraces will be formed to create public seating. The southern bank of the river will be planted terrace.

The scheme will incorporate sustainable urban drainage systems, feature lighting and public seating areas to achieve an oasis in an urban area providing new ecological benefits for the natural habitat of wildlife and creating spaces for users of the Town Centre to enjoy.

Works comprise of the following but is not limited to: -

  • Temporary site fencing.

  • General site strip.

  • Brown field site remediation

  • Lowering/Protection to existing services.

  • Demolition of existing culvert

  • Installation of SUDS

  • Gabion Basket retaining structures

  • Piled retaining structures

  • Soft landscaping.

  • Hard landscaping

  • Street furniture

  • Lighting scheme

 What are we looking for:

Trades required include:

  • Electrical

  • Fencing

  • Waste Removal

  • Signage

  • Traffic management

  • Local Labour Supplier

    And more…

How to get involved

Sign-ups for this event have now closed.