Local dignitaries attend Ryebridge Open Lea site for groundbreaking ceremony

Works are underway at Bute Street/Silver Street as Ryebridge Construction is exposing the river and creating an exciting green space for the local community to enjoy.

On Wednesday 20th April to mark the commencement of the works, Ryebridge was delighted to welcome to site the Council Leader and Deputy Leader, both Cllr Hazel Simmons and Cllr Aslam Khan respectively. In addition to this other visitors included the Mayor Cllr Mahmood Hussain, Nicola Monk (Corporate Director, Inclusive Economy) and Cllr Sian Goding (Portfolio Holder Regeneration).

The site visits extended to Thursday the 21st, where Lady Clifford the High Sheriff of Bedfordshire came to site to meet the site team and look at the works.

The project

The proposed works will be to remove the existing lid to the river which runs east to west across the site. New head walls being built along Bute Street and Barbers Lane to support the existing roads and footpaths. On the northern side of the river new stepped terraces will be formed to create public seating. The southern bank of the river will be planted terrace.

The scheme will incorporate sustainable urban drainage systems, feature lighting and public seating areas to achieve an oasis in an urban area, providing new ecological benefits for the natural habitat of wildlife and creating spaces for users of the Town Centre to enjoy.

The Open Lea project is funded by Luton Council and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Social Value Legacy

As a well established local business Ryebridge has deep roots in the community. The company ethos is wherever possible to support and invest locally. Ryebridge aims to provide this scheme for Luton by using a minimum of 80% of local suppliers and labour.

In addition to this Ryebridge held a local supply chain even on 19th January. This involved 14 local businesses of which already five have been awarded places on the supply chain.

Barnfield students will be getting arranged work experience and two local Apprentices have already been employed.

Ryebridge Construction Managing Director Daniel Coyle said: “As a Luton based business we are so pleased to be part of this project. As I said in my presentation Luton has a real sense of community and we are proud to be part of it.

We believe that these developments will make a huge difference to the Town when completed and we will make sure that the Construction Phase also benefits the area with local jobs and investment.”